Benny Benzeevi, MD, FACEP
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Alan W. Germany, CPA, MBA, FHFMA
Chief Financial Officer/
Chief Operating Officer
Mr. Burgess is a seasoned IT executive with over 18 years experience working in not-for-profit, for-profit, as well as Professional Services consulting organizations. He offers a high caliber of IT security expertise and resource stewardship. His strength in leadership, experience and achievements range from large integrated health systems, small community hospitals, multi-national health services business, mergers and acquisitions and turn-around objectives to optimize IT operations and compliance.
Ms. Phillips-Bland brings a wealth of experience to HCCA gained from more than 25 years devoted to health and ambulatory care administration in the public health sector. She was previously Senior Deputy Director, Ambulatory Care Division, at San Joaquin General Hospital, where she oversaw six primary-care clinics and 20 sub-specialty clinics. While there, she successfully implemented Patient-Centered Medical Home practices that, among other things, helped the hospital achieve high patient satisfaction scores. Samantha’s vast knowledge and experience in this area will invariably contribute to the successful delivery of exceptional ambulatory and outpatient care services - both critical pieces of HCCA’s integrated health system.